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根据反复的查询,发现这种情况应该是申请 TIER 5类型里面的 sponsored researcher 签证类型。但可怕的是,签证中心中文网站里TIER5类别里,根本就没有写这一条,他只写大概了写了几种大类别:
Tier 5 Creative and sporting
Tier 5 Charity worker' l4 T4
Tier 5 Religious worker
Tier 5 Government authorised exchange
Tier 5 International agreement
Tier 5 Youth mobility scheme
Tier 5 Policy guidance
What is the government authorised exchange category? The government authorised exchange category is for people coming to the United Kingdom through approved schemes that aim to share knowledge, experience and best practice, and to experience the social and cultural life of the United Kingdom. This category must not be used to fill job vacancies or to bring unskilled labour to the United Kingdom.
Your sponsor will be an overarching body who manages the government authorised exchange scheme. This overarching body must have the support of a United Kingdom government department.
Individual employers and organisations will not be allowed to sponsor migrants in this category, even if they are licensed as sponsors under other tiers or other categories of Tier 5. The only exceptions to this are if you are coming to the United Kingdom:
as a sponsored researcher, where the higher education institution you are coming to work at will be your sponsor; or
to work for a government department or agency.
Any work you do must be skilled which means it must be equivalent to NVQ or SVQ level 3 or above. This is unless you are taking part in the scheme set up as part of the European Union's lifelong learning programme, where you can do vocational education and training at a lower skill level.
You are allowed to stay in the United Kingdom for up to 24 months under this category.